HAI has been in operation for more than forty years and has provided professional services to tens of thousands of people in multiple countries. If we are to take HAI at it's word that it's behavior is not personal and should not be taken as such, then it is reasonable to also assume that numerous people have suffered trauma, sexual abuse and that some have developed PTSD in ways similar to myself.
Of the tens of thousands of HAI clients, my contact is with approximately 1,000 participants and team-members in my thirty workshops. In that context, it is a reasonable working hypothesis that what has happened within that 1,000 people has been replicated forty times around the world.
In the "Symptoms" page I explore over a hundred incidents of trauma and abuse, including the death of one HAI participant in the bed of another HAI participant who had a sustained history of severe abuse. More recently, a woman called me in tears and in a deeply regressed state, having found this website online (the same website HAI sued to shut down). She shared that Janet Dale had asked her not to press charges and ruin Janet's life work, and that she has not been able to do her work as a trauma therapist for abused children since HAI enacted it's information management and trauma protocol with her. After recording, with her permission, more than three hours of details (which she would like used in court) that replicate many of the experiences that I have had, it is reasonable to consider that HAI's protocol for dealing with sexual abuse is relatively consistent. She also mentioned something that I had not experienced: She was told that "this has never happened before," which is a lie intended to isolate and shut her up. The truth is that this has been happening in variations for decades and that it is easy to isolate, blame and silence one individual and convince them that their experience does not matter as much as the grand mission of HAI, in which apparently everyone wins except the sexual abuse survivors who are silenced.
I know of one two successful suicides in the community and watched the way my planned suicide was handled and imagine there have been others I have not heard about.
Finally, although no HAI team-member responded to my initial e-mail request for support, and most of the active team-members stayed silent, rather than wanting to learn more or support me (a red flag in terms of a service-oriented and ethical team, since anyone in service to a healthy community must place responding to and protecting sexual abuse survivors from harm as the single highest priority in a school professing to teach loving and healthy sex), in my second e-mail to the team the only person who responded did so by telling me she was no longer on team and had been dealing with PTSD since she quietly left the team ten years earlier and started work with a trauma therapist to repair the abuses she experienced on team.
The statistical amount of trauma and negligence from less than 1,000 people - those being the only people who felt safe enough to reach out so far - is staggering. We are looking at an abuse rate of 2-30% of the team and community who is dealing with severe levels of abuse. I have yet to hear of the person who successfully navigated a full healing with the facilitators. The pattern is one of silent withdrawal. This seems intelligent, given the pattern of facilitator defense in my case where three years later I have yet to receive an apology from the board or facilitator body after taking the time to specifically ask and spell out what I wanted an apology for. This is itself abuse - a repeat message of "you were not worth protecting, preparing for, disclosing, truly helping and now are not worth apologizing to."
If there is even a small chance that what I am saying is correct, the responsible step for an independent board focused on public safety is to set up an independent review board with trauma therapists, have that board e-mail every HAI client, gather statistical data on the abuses at HAI, publish that data and develop a protocol for apologizing, understanding and setting HAI on a healthier path. If only 1 person out of a hundred has experienced trauma and abuse it is still the most ethical path. If it is closer to 30% then stopping the workshops and focusing on healing is the most consistent behavior with HAI's mission.
It is my belief that HAI will do everything it can to bury this information in a protocol of denial, because it lacks the character to do what it takes to live it's mission and the training and resources to clean up it's messes adequately. This is ignorance and fear running the show at the expense of the mission, and is unsustainable in the information age, when shame and communication controls in an increasingly informed public cannot last. More people will keep coming forward, in part because our president is educating more people indirectly about the psychological abuse of threatened secrecy.